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#bike2water 13 #Пименово

19:00 05.08.20 - 23:45 05.08.20

Wildlife viewing is also popular. Hawks and other large birds are commonly seen along the trail. Canada geese and ducks are also common. Bald eagles are occasionally seen in the area. Bears and white-tailed deer live in the wooded areas and are seen along the trail.

Without a written permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, motorized vehicles are strictly forbidden from using the trail. This ban includes motorcycles, snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles.

Camping is allowed only in certain areas such as Bonell Flats and Black Walnut Bottom along the trail, and permits for these locations must be obtained in advance from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Several private campgrounds are located near the trail. Numerous lodging establishments are available in Wellsboro and Jersey Shore. There are also small lodging establishments located in Blackwell and Cedar Run, and private cabin rentals are available along the trail.

Parking areas and composting toilets are available at regular intervals along the entire length of the trail. Several water pumps are provided along the trail, but trail users should carry enough water to last for the duration of their trips. The boroughs of Wellsboro and Jersey Shore offer a full array of services and supplies.

- en.wikipedia.org, Pine Creek Rail Trail

#bike2water 13 #Пименово
Сбор в среду 05 августа 2020 в 19.00, старт 19.30. (просьба не опаздывать, после 19.30 никого не ждем!)
Маршрут: Серегина 29 - ПЛК - Volokno Mokva Rail Trail - красный мост через Сейм - Моква - Духовец - родник в Пименово - Пименово - грунты - Ванина - курчатовская дорога - Курск.
Скорость замыкающего колонны НЕ более 20 км/ч. Приглашаются все желающие.
Дистанция 25 км туда, 25 км обратно.
Асфальт 70%, Грунт 30%, в т.ч. ПЕСОК, GRAVEL, шпалы.
Возвращение обратно в темное время, фары желательно.
В случае реального дождя во время старта покатушка может быть перенесена.
Цель покатушки - водички набрать :) и искупаться в купели.
Тема на форуме: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=9154

Событие было создано radioaktive

Заявившиеся на участие в событии:

radioaktiveradioaktive 100% ! 159644019303 авг 2020, 10:36
vladivladi 75% 159645971903 авг 2020, 16:01
iStaZzzziStaZzzz 75% 159646007203 авг 2020, 16:07
vladivladi 75% 159652470604 авг 2020, 10:05
e-Serge-Serg 75% 159653238204 авг 2020, 12:13
angmarangmar 5% 159662911105 авг 2020, 15:05
Alexei KlimenkoAlexei Klimenko 5% 159662932905 авг 2020, 15:08

Итого по вероятности участия (человек):

100% ! 75% 25%
1 4 0